


  • 發布新聞日子:2019-08-19 16:50:00

【慨(kai)括(kuo)表述】urban soul project 近日在希臘雅典歷史城區的中心為一家珠寶店完成了室內設計,將天然材料與明快的綠色組合在一起。這家名為kakuru的店鋪參考了珠寶匠的作品,展現出一個有機的無重力空間,室內


【概述說明】urban soul project 近日在希臘雅典歷史城區的中心為一家珠寶店完成了室內設計,將天然材料與明快的綠色組合在一起。這家名為kakuru的店鋪參考了珠寶匠的作品,展現出一個有機的無重力空間,室內

  • 進行分類:行業資訊
  • 作著:
  • 上傳時間段:2019-08-19 16:50:00
  • 網絡瀏覽量:
urban soul project 近日在希臘雅典歷史城區的中心為一家珠寶店完成了室內設計,將天然材料與明快的綠色組合在一起。這家名為kakuru的店鋪參考了珠寶匠的作品,展現出一個有機的無重力空間,室內設有懸浮的陳列箱與曲線元素,室內玻璃墻更在空間之內創造出視覺分隔感。
Urban soul project recently in Athens, Greece history at the center of the city for a jewelry store to complete the indoor design, natural materials and lively green together. The reference to the jeweler shop called kakuru works, showing an organic the weightlessness of space, interior is equipped with suspension display cases and curve elements, indoor glass more within the space to create the sense of visual space.
在整體室內設計中,鮮艷的深綠色與金色點綴相得益彰,urban soul project 希望利用這樣的設計反映出店內出售珠寶常用的綠色大理石元素。kakuru 店鋪位于一個小型的雙層空間之中,兩側窗戶都被各種不同高度的垂直向與水平向珠寶展示櫥占據。設計者還加入了定制青銅滑道,一部分沿吊燈的有機線條設置,另一部分則穿插在水磨石地板中,兩部分共同構成了一座水平方向的“雕塑”。
In the overall interior design, the bright green and gold ornament complement each other, urban soul within the project hope to use this design reflects out into selling jewelry common elements of green marble. Kakuru shop is located in a small double space, on both sides of the Windows were all sorts of different height of vertical and horizontal to the jewelry display cabinet. Designers also joined the custom bronze chute, part along the droplight of organic line is set up, the other part is interspersed with in terrazzo floor, two parts constitute a horizontal "sculpture".
A popular trend in 2019 is using classic store designs to bring character to the store’s aesthetic. There is an emerging appreciation and demand for spaces that embody distinct personality and take on a persona. Consumers increasingly want to be in spaces that have character, individuality and tell a story. A popular way retailers are conveying their brand story in 2019 is by renting out shopfronts that have a distinct history or cultural significance, making their brand part of the city.


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